Army of The Potomac is an American Civil War Community on the Game Platform "Roblox". It's a wonderful Community with substantial progress towards launch, It is currently at 20 members, groups are being set up, and the Discord is 100% complete. Please join the Discord to contact Community Services, or to Join it. The Army of The Potomac was a community first conceptualized and created in 2019 by Thomas Larson, Larson worked hard to bring in members and establish a development team. He later abandoned the project in 2021, leaving it to the remaining HiCOM and HQ that stayed, Two of these members were Melkros, and Outlaw. Melkros and Outlaw ran the group alongside each other in a duel-ownership, under them the group flourished, This didn't last however and the group began to decline dramatically and in mid 2021 it died finally. Until today, AOP was just a Memory, a time different from the one we find ourselves in today. Now it is born again, under the same two members who once ran it.